Juniors: College Checklist

When it comes to college, there are so many questions: How do I apply for college? What do I need to do to prepare? The list goes on. Below is a checklist for Juniors:
August - September
- Get to know your teachers and understand their expectations.
- Push yourself! Meet with your guidance counselor and be sure your course work and grades are on track. A tough course load could help you land scholarships to pay for college.
- Start researching colleges. Meet with your counselor, coach or college advisor and look at college websites, visit college campuses, and have information mailed to you. Visit college campuses in the fall, winter, or spring while classes are going on.
- Start investigating private, public, local, state and national scholarship opportunities noting requirements and deadlines!
- Utilize skill assessment tools to determine a career path and college major that interests you.
- Pick 2 or 3 school or community-based activities of which you are willing to commit. Your experiences improve your college applications.
October - November
- Sign up to take your SAT and/or ACT. This will give you the opportunity to retake it your senior year if you want to improve your score.
- Continue activities that interest you the most and to which you are most committed.
- Do your top college choices require essays or recommendations? Now is the time to begin planning your essays and choosing who you would like to ask for a recommendation.
December - January
- Double check your college checklist to see if you have forgotten anything?
- Seek leadership positions in your study groups, teams, and activities. Leadership positions are impressive on both college and job applications.
- Meet with your school counselor again to draft your senior class schedule. Push yourself!
February - March
- Find a summer job, internship or volunteer opportunity that is in your line of study and ultimately your career goals.
- Plan college campus visits for spring break.
- Memorize your social security number if you haven't already.
- Capture your interests and activities. Write or update your resume.