Mentors: Legacy Scholars Mentor Program

student mentor

We know that students who participate in a quality mentor program are more prepared academically and socially for when they attend college or other postsecondary training programs. BC CAN is currently working to restructure the Legacy Scholars Mentoring Program. Until we have this ready for student participation, please see the mentoring tips below:

Mentorship Takes Time - An intentional investment of time is the key to any mentor and potential mentee relationship. Each party should give as much to the process as they want to get out of it.

Absorb All Information - For the mentee, all advice from a mentor may not be applicable or understood at the time it is received. Always listen to the advice and evaluate it properly.

Anyone Can Mentor - Some potential mentors may think they don't have enough experience to qualify themselves as a "mentor." There is always something to be learned from the experiences and perspectives of others.

Growth Is Shared - Never view the mentoring process as one-sided. Both the mentor and the mentee can learn from each other is ways they did not expect. This can help each grow significantly.

Ask For Help! - For those unsure of how to begin a formal mentoring relationship, search the internet for organizations that focus solely on intentional matching between mentor and mentee. These organizations can also address any questions or concerns along the way.