Parents: Take Action Today

Your child may already have an idea of what he or she plans to do after high school. This idea may be realistic, like going on to a two- or four-year college or university, career school, vocational-technical school, or working in the family business. Or, it may be more of a dream at this point, like becoming a professional athlete. Or maybe your child has so many different interests; his or her dreams may change almost every day. Whatever future your child dreams about, decisions that you both make now and throughout high school are very important.
Here are a few things you can do with your child that will help set him or her up for a successful future:
- Challenge your child to be the best he or she can be. Talk with your child about why it is important to be the best he or she can be and that it is within his or her own power to be a better student.
- Help your child understand the importance of taking the right courses. Since education after high school often has certain requirements, it is important that you and your child work with the guidance counselor early to make sure he or she is taking the correct courses.
- Make sure your child develops wise habits outside of school. Often a good student is one who has certain habits both inside and outside school. Talk with your child about what the family can do to support his or her good study habits.
- It is never too early to start thinking about the future. Now is the best time for you and your child to explore careers and discuss opportunities. There are some very good and easy-to-use computer programs that can help young students begin to explore different careers. Explore right along with your child!
Remember that family support and understanding can make a big difference in how well each student does in school. You make a big difference in your child's future!