Program Resources
There are lots of resources to help you get ready for college. The first is your Guidance Counselor – build a great relationship with him or her so you get good advice about how to get ready for college. The Legacy Scholars program and this website are great resources for more ideas to help you become more successful. Check out the websites of your favorite colleges as well and talk with their admissions staff to find out more about them specifically.
Career Pathways

CYBERPATRIOT PROGRAM - Are you interested in cybersecurity and computers? Are you a beginner and would like to learn more about securing computers and networks? Or are you a computer whiz who's up for a new challenge? If you are entering 7th - 12th grade this fall, the Battle Creek CyberPatriot Summer Camp is the perfect way to learn more about cybersecurity for free! The Battle Creek College Access Network, with a grant from the Feldpausch Foundation, is making this 5-day summer camp FREE for participants. A t-shirt, book and light snacks will be provided to participating students as well. Campers do not need to have any special skillset to participate, however, very basic knowledge of computer hardware would be helpful. A basic English reading level is essential as many individual and group activities are guided by written directives to accomplish tasks.
Summer 2018 Program: The Battle Creek CyberPatriot experience was successful yet again, helping to introduce students to the competition aspect of the activity. First and foremost, two students from the 2017-18 season have used their CyberPatriot experience to help them in future careers - one is now employed with Cisco and the other with the Kellogg Company. The 2018-19 CyberPatriot program fielded the highest number of teams and players from the Battle Creek area: five teams made up of 27 players. Out of these teams, 2 made the Platinum tier, 2 made the Gold tier, and 1 team was placed in the Silver tier. For the upcoming 2019 summer program, Battle Creek has added an Advanced camp in addition to the Standard camp experience. The team recently celebrated the recognition of their outstanding coach, Mike Segal, as he was recognized as the first Michigan CyberPatriot Coach of the Year! BC CAN commends the outstanding performance of these program students and Coach.
Registration for the 2019 CyberPatriot Summer Program is currently CLOSED. View the flyer to learn more about the program. Check back with us in spring 2020.
Please contact Mike Segal, BCCF Cybersecurity Manager, (by phone) at 269-962-2181 or (by email) at for more information!
HEALTHCARE PIPELINE PROGRAM - Pipeline, pre-professional and enrichment programs are an important strategy for addressing educational achievement gaps and diversifying the health professions and shortage of underrepresented students and ethnic minorities within this sector of the workforce. The Battle Creek College Access Network has teamed with Kellogg Community College and the Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine to provide Battle Creek middle school students the opportunity to explore healthcare careers and increase their understanding and awareness of medical career opportunities.
2017-18 Program: Students in the pilot program (approximately 20-25) are required to participate in six planned Saturday Academy experiences that take place on both the WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine and Kellogg Community College campuses. Program components include presentations by specialized physicians, team-based learning sessions, hands-on experiential learning and mentorship with a focus on skill building through teamwork, critical thinking, organization and peer-to-peer presentations. Students explore Cardiology, Pathology/Crime Scene Investigation, Emergency Medical Services, Nursing, Physical Therapy Science as well as Dental Hygiene and Radiology.
SOPHOMORE FUTURE TRACK - In order to strengthen the Battle Creek commmunity, it is imperative that we work collectively to create a pipeline for the workforce. Each year, the Battle Creek College Access Network strives to provide students in the greater Battle Creek area a one-day, hands-on, career exploration experience in a field of their interest. By partnering with local businesses, and by leveraging local voluteers as chaperones, students register online and are placed according to their career/career pathway interests. Sophomore Future Track is not only a way for students to learn about what a "day in the life" is like in the career of their dreams, but has been an excellent way for local businesses to impact youth as they plan for their postsecondary aspirations. For those interested in learning more, please view our event invitation and business commitment form!
Our 2019 Event: Approximately 700 students were in attendance for the 2019 event, which was held on Wednesday, March 20th at the W.K. Kellogg Auditorium. 53 local businesses and organizations partnered with BC CAN to host students, and over 60 community volunteers assisted as chaperones to supervise host-site experiences. Eleven schools from the greater Battle Creek area participated. Survey results indicated that students felt that their career experiences aligned with their interest, gave them an idea of what the career was like and was something that they would like to learn more about. Almost all participating businesses expressed that the event was coordinated well and was a good use of their time.
CAREER PATHWAY PUBLICATIONS - The Battle Creek College Access Network (BC CAN) is committed to equipping students with program and career pathway knowledge so that they can make the best decisions for their futures. Recently, BC CAN worked with community partners to develop career pathway resources for Battle Creek area students, which outline local training programs, median wage information and highlight local students of all ages who are currently pursuing the jobs of the future!
Battle Creek College Access Network's Career Pathway Publications:
Professional Skilled Trades (BC Shopper) Professional Skilled Trades (Booklet) Health and Human Services (BC Shopper) Health and Human Services (Booklet)
Business Management, Marketing & Technology (BC Shopper) Business Management, Marketing & Technology (Booklet)
College Readiness
SAT PREP COURSES - Standardized tests can often induce feelings of anxiety and fear in our students and many do not have the opportunity to address their concerns or receive additional assistance to prepare. After speaking with local school counselors in 2016, BC CAN worked to coordinate an opportunity for students to receive free SAT preparation. Now in its fourth year of programming, SAT prep workshops now take place on Saturdays during both fall and spring semesters. Students can register to attend a free 8-week course in which they take a pre- and post-test and receive 6 weeks of instruction in English (reading and writing) and Mathematics. See below to learn about the local teachers that are helping us make this program a success during spring 2020:

Nicole Vaughn - Mathematics (Battle Creek Central High School)
My name is Nicole Vaughn and I have been teaching at Battle Creek Central High School for fifteen years. This is my first year as an instructional coach but the other fourteen were as a math teacher. I graduated from Western Michigan University and have since taken courses with Kellogg Community College, Walden University and University of Cincinnati. I went into teaching because I wanted to make math more approachable. I had a teacher my senior year of high school that wasn't afraid to make mistakes and learn with us and from that moment on I knew that I could do that too. I wanted to learn with my students each year while bringing my love of math to the classroom.

Edward Plegue - English/Reading (Northwestern Middle School)
I am Edward Plegue. I have been teaching for 27 years. After graduating from Western Michigan University with a degree in English and a state teaching certification, I started at a small Christian school in Warren, MI. Upon returning, I spent 9 years working with adjudicated youth in a psychiatric setting while I pursued coursework at Saginaw Valley State. Transitioning to a more public setting at Battle Creek Public in 2006, where I am currently serving, I have worked and taught in all core subjects, though primarily in an English classroom. I earned a Master’s degree from Spring Arbor University in the teaching of reading.
Spring 2019 Results: 50 students enrolled in the course. Overall, composite test scores changed by an average of 72 points. Of the 32 students that took both the pre- and post-tests, 23 increased their composite scores, 6 decreased and 3 had no change. When looking at Reading and Math sections individually, both content areas showed an average increase. Student surveys indicated they overwhelmingly enjoyed the experience: showing an increase in test taking confidence, sense of preparedness and willingness to recommend the course to friends.
Are you interested in learning more about BC CAN's SAT prep workshops? We can be reached at (269) 719-8228 with any questions. Please see our flyer here!
Financial Preparedness
FAFSA WORKSHOPS - The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step in the financial aid process. You use the FAFSA to apply for federal student aid, such as grants, loans and work-study. In addition, most states and colleges use information from the FAFSA to award nonfederal aid. BC CAN coordinates free community-wide workshops each year so that students and parents can receive direct assistance in completing this vital financial aid form. Please check here for workshop dates and times!